Adam Answers
The straight answers right from Adam's own keyboard!
May 21, 2002

Q. How did you get involved in the Hysteria project? (friends, agent, etc)

A. Well the way it works is that your agent gets you an audition for a production based on what the casting agent thinks of you they hold the key to let you in the door to read for the part. I got an audition for Hysteria. It went very well then the casting agent showed the tape to the director and producers and they liked what the saw and ask to meet me and after I did I got a call shortly after that I was on board for the project.


Q. I've heard you wanted to play Steve Clark orginally. Why Steve?

A. Why Steve? He is the most complex character in the bunch something you can truly work with deeply. That is what attracted me to that part and I read for it a couple of times and they decided to go with Karl which I think worked out great. I will tell you that after watching the tapes on the band and seeing that Sav was by far the coolest one I never thought of the Steve thing again.


Q. Do you keep in touch with any of other actors from Hysteria.

A. Sadly no not really. You have to remember that we all live in different countries but, I did keep in touch with Orlando for a while and Tat and I still email each other from time to time but , that is the extant to it.


Q. I know Sav emailed you about your performance. What did he think of it?

A. Sav did email me so did Joe Elliott and the both had wonderful things say. They were both extremely pleased with what I did on stage which made me very happy. Sav did write something that I found funny. He wrote if ever he was tired I could go onstage for him.

Q.If I'm not mistaken, playing Rick Savage was one of the biggest parts of your career so far. What kind of effect has doing Hysteria had on your career?

A. In some respects, yes. It was the largest role I have done so for in terms of the amount of work there was involved. To me, the film Snow in August that I was in as a supporting role is the part of my career so for. Yes it helped my career. It is a lot easier to be seen by casting agents and also helped get a manager in Los Angeles.

That's all first the first go around, but keep your eyes open for more information from Adam!!

June 29, 2002
Round 2 (Thanks to Adam for all his patience with me!)

Q. You mentioned Snow in August was (what you felt) the biggest role of your career to date. Why is that? (Have patience with me, I'm still trying to track that blasted movie down!!)

A. For many reasons one being that Stephen Rea is such a great actor and if and when you see the film I was lucky enough to play a role that has such an impact in the film.

Q. How are things going with Vampire High? Will there be another season? And, if so, will Nick be back? Plus, is there ANY chance of those of us south of the border will ever get to see that show?

A. They are talking about bringing it back because the response in Canada and the UK have been so strong. As for Nick coming back if the show does, well I hope so. As for it showing south of the border I really don't know sorry. So all in all I probably know as much as you do on this subject I wish I knew more.

Q. How did you get started in acting as a professional and at what age?

A. I always had a sense that this was what I wanted to due. When I was nineteen in an acting class the teacher told me to be an angry cat! So I did and he praised it and I thought yep that's it this is what I'm going to due. Confirmed from playing a CAT!

Q. I've seen you do a couple of different accents in your work. How hard are they to do? Which one is closest to your own speaking voice? And which is your favorite one to do?

A. I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing accents anything that can take me further away from myself in a part the better. The closes accent to me is the sheffield accent in Hysteria only because I worked so hard on it and the added pressure of doing it in front of people who were the real thing was such a challenge. I had to trust myself it was a good lesson.

Thanks for the questions I will talk to you soon, Adam.